Hello, this is Dragonplay'z and I programed this website. I have three cats who love to be annoying
Their names are Tinkerbell, Forest and Polly (short for Polly the Pollydactyle)
I love to build python games and mess around with code, I had to make this whole website again because of how badly I messed up last time. No seriously, I had to change all my positions to absolute. Which means they stay in the same position as the original element (aka the first one defined). I originally used relative which moves the element based on where the previous one was. This probably happened because,
A- I didn't relise, B- I got to stuck into building a website, C- I taught myself coding, D- All of the above

It took me a few hours to fix. Oops, look at the time. I really chat to much, so stop reading this useless passage and go check out the rest of my website.

Ps-I changed the background-color to a light yellow, I was originally going to go with blue but yellow looks way better, then I added a new background I made. Like it? I changed the yellow background to very dark blue